Wednesday, 23 September 2015

How Bruce Lee Died Really..??

Bruce Lee is probably the most famous and widely known martial artist in the world. He was born in 1940 in San Francisco. As Lee graduated from high school, he started teaching martial arts. His popularity came from his film roles and he is often considered the most prominent martial artist of all time...

Bruce Lee died on July 20, 1973 at the age of 32. His death is quite controversial. About two months earlier Lee collapsed in a studio in Hong Kong having a severe headache and seizures which he continued to suffer until his death. He was diagnosed with cerebral edema – fluid accumulation in the brain.
On the day of his death Bruce Lee complained of a headache and a friend of his gave him a painkiller containing aspirin and the muscle relaxant meprobamate. Lee went to bed for a nap and never woke up again. The first autopsy of his body found that his death was caused by an allergic reaction to the meprobamate. However, Dr Wu who had treated him claimed that cannabis had been involved in Lee’s death. Later the doctor backed off from his statement.

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