Wednesday, 23 September 2015

10 Mind-Blowing Facts About North Korea’s Head Of State – Kim Jong-Un..Seriously Must Read

1. It Is The Year 104 In Kim Jong Un’s North Korea.

North Korea follow the Juche Calender, introduced in 1997 – begins each year on Kim Il-sung’s birth date, April 15. It also counts time back to the year in which the Eternal President was born.

2. His 67-Year-Old Aunty Advises Him On Foreign Policy.

Kim Jong Un’s trust his aunty Kim Kyong-hui that he allows her to meet with Chinese diplomats on his behalf.

3. His Half-Brother Had Been Favourite To Succeed Kim Jong Il.

But his obsession with cartoon cost him to loose the dictatorship chair. Kim Jong-nam was so obsessed with cartoon that in 2001 he attempted to enter Japan in order to visit Disneyland Tokyo!

4. A 550m-Long Message Praising Kim Jong Un Carved Into A Hillside.

“Long Live General, the Shining Sun!” This is the translation of the 15-character message, at 550 metres hillside.

5. World’s Only General Without Military Experience.

Yeah, you heard it right!! The General of a country with 1,190,000 active military personnel and with Nuclear weapons has no military experience.

6. Johnnie Walker Whisky Is The Supreme Leader’s Choice.

Kim Jong-il’s former chef revealed that Kim Jong-un imports Johnnie Walker whisky from Scotland every year.

7. Dennis Rodman Is Kim Jong Un’s Best Friend.

Kim Jong Un’s is obsessed with basketball and count former NBA-star Dennis Rodman among his best friends.

8. He Was Voted Sexiest Man Alive In 2012.

Shocked right? 😀 Satirical magazine The Onion did put his name at the top of their list. But Chinese media did not realise the satirical nature of the article and they ran stories reporting it as fact that the Supreme Leader was the world’s sexiest man in 2012.

9. North Korea’s First All-Female Pop Group Was Hand-Selected By Kim Jong Un.

The Moranbong Band were specially hand-picked by the Supreme Leader to form North Korea’s first-ever all-female band.

10. His Father’s Death Must Be Grieved Wholeheartedly.

Deputy defence minister Kim Chol was locked up for “insufficiently grieving” during Kim Jong-Il’s funeral.

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